Thursday, 14 January 2016


1.     Library will be kept opened throughout the working hours of the school
2.     Children of classes III to XII come to library in their allotted periods and read the newspapers, magazines ,story books, reference books based on their needs and interest. Classes X  XI and XII children can come to library whenever they want irrespective of library periods.
3.     Children from classes VI to XII can borrow books from library to read at home.
4.     The library is maintaining open access system and the arrangement of the books in the cupboards will be subject wise.
5.     Books selection and acquisition will be done based on the recommendations of the subject teachers and children of higher classes.
6.     Library is getting 8 daily newspapers around 40 periodicals for benefit of the children and teachers to get all round information. Educational magazines like science reporter, down to earth, terra green education today , maths today , chemistry today  ,biology today, physics for you , English today, tell me why and other magazines receiving from various organizations will be made available for higher class children and teachers to provide additional subject information.
7.     Library is providing necessary reading materials for science and social science exhibitions CCA competitions and assembly programs and also providing necessary reference services for the children and the teachers whenever they want.
8.      Library is having collection of about 6000 books(net). Weeding out of unserviceable books will be done every year
9.     Library is providing adequate number of books for organizing the class library at primary level
10.                        Library is having English reading programme cards prepared by CIEFL for classes ‘I-V, to be used by the English teachers as an effective tool for inculcation of reading habit among the children. We have already procured a set of 600 booklets under the “learning A to Z programme”
11.library automation have been completed with E-Grandhalaya software.
12. Maintaining book reviews written by children after reading the barrowed books from the library and on every Thursday a book review will be presented by child in morning assembly.
13. children are being encouraged to donate books  to library on the occasion of their birthdays, and those books are also made available for issue to students and staff. No of books donated by the children till now is 1128.
14 Maintaining the circulation of the books through bar code system .
1.     Planning to increase the library collection and procure more number of books for the class libraries 
2.     Recommendations of the library committee will be followed time to time for the further improvement of the library services.

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